
“I used to think timing was everything. I have since learned that now is the time for everything.” – Stella Mowen

I don’t know about you, but no matter how much I have in my bank account, I always get a little nervous every time I use my debit card. Even though I sometimes know down to the cent how much is in there (or is supposed to be), my heart drops a little each time I use it. There is always a doubt in the back of my head that says something will go wrong with the transaction. Historically, that hasn’t happened but a few times (thank you shopping addiction), but apparently those few times have scared me for life. In reality, I am like that with any sort of good news or events that are upcoming. For example, I was uncontrollably skeptical that I was going to have an easy and healthy pregnancy. Or, that it would go to term for that matter. Although, every week I relaxed a little, I was still nervous up until about week 35. Every week that passed, I would google the percentage of chance that the baby would survive if born early. I had to remind myself that past a certain point, statistically, she would be fine. Crazy? Yep. But, I need to know what the chances are and to have a plan. When we plan a vacation, I have a really hard time getting excited until we are in the car and on the way. Before that, the same little doubtful voice is telling me that something is going to go wrong. For such an optimistic person, I have a part of me that struggles to believe it until I see it.

This is where I am with the foster/ adoption process right now. We got the exciting news that our home study is approved and that we should have our first placement soon. Soon, in this case, means around June 1st as soon as we get back from vacation. We were originally told 5-6 months is how long it takes for the approval. I guess that’s a joke because we are barely 2.5 months into this and we are a few signatures from them handing us a kid. If it wasn’t for our vacation, we could have a foster child in May. However, I am still waiting for the big let down. I have slacked on getting the room ready or ordering any necessary items because I am afraid that I will jinx it. I read something once that said if you have time to worry about it, you have time to pray about it. I think it’s time to try that. In the mean time, it seems that it is time to accept that this is a very REAL possibility. It is time to get my butt in gear because it looks like this is ACTUALLY GOING TO HAPPEN. I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg on this journey but it’s a big step for me.

Last, we have had a lot of people asking how they can help and things like that. Since we don’t know if we will have a boy or a girl, it’s hard to plan too much. All we know if the child will be 2 or under because that’s what we requested. We won’t have a shower or anything until we get a placement that we get to adopt. That could take a really long time. But, I want to share a list of things that I would like to have on hand when the first child is brought to us. If anyone is interested in sending something, please see below. If not, it’s absolutely fine.
We will take all the good thoughts and prayers you can send. I just didn’t know how anyone could “help” with such an unpredictable situation. Thanks for reading and hopefully the next post will have info on the child that we have in our home.

  • Diapers – sizes newborn to size 4
  • Baby Wipes
  • Diaper Cream
  • Bibs & Burp Clothes
  • Sound machine for the room
  • Bath wash and Lotion
  • Pacifiers and pacifier clips
  • Formula and more formula
  • Baby Tylenol
  • Neutral color crib sheets (yellow, tan, green).

8 thoughts on “Approved!

  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for y’all


  2. Maribeth Woods-Laime April 23, 2019 — 7:54 pm

    Terrific news! ❤️


    1. Thank you for reading it! ❤️❤️


  3. Christie Overman April 24, 2019 — 12:59 am

    So proud of you for taking this huge step.


  4. Gomez Family – this beautiful and congrats!!!! Emmy I have lots of these items and will work over the next week or two to get them together for you. So happy that things are happening! Pray and prepare.


    1. Thank you, love. That is very generous.


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